Monday, February 22, 2016

Ugly doll

I was on Etsy looking at old dolls. This one said Vintage 1940s, but no way. I bought it cause it was so ugly and I knew I could make it pretty.  It is a ceramic doll. I judge maybe 1980s. It is made from a mold that was taken from an old composition doll. The person who made it did well on the body and construction but the painting left alot to be desired.

She is about the size of a Bitty Baby.  So clothes will be next.
Ta da!

Rhetta has another doll.

When Rhetta arrived to pick up her doll and Jackie's, she had a bag with her old doll from childhood. She said the legs came off when she took it from the shelf... She thinks it is a Toni but I don't. I think it is an early unmarked Mary Hoyer.

 After washing the fading showed up so eye lashes which were half on and off were removed too.
light coat of paint, blush , lips renewed and new lashes, and brows. The body is ready to put back together and her clothes are soaking.