Sunday, July 28, 2013

Connie Face Doll

I call her that because her face reminds me of my sister Connie. She is a Patsy type. I have not heard of a Patsy doll being unmarked 
She needs her head reattached as it is not connected right now, the eyes are cattywampus so they need to be straightened. Her fingers are missing tips and she has a voice box in back that needs to be replaced then the cotton stuffing to be firmed up.  She has potential for sure.

Little Patsy wannabe

Small but cute.  
the arm is different from Patsy, she is not marked and all Patsy's are. Her hair is blonde not brown but she even has the molded in head band.   
She HAS been identified

Unknown Arranbee Doll

Hopefully she will have a name before I am through with her.
 Too tall for a Mary Hoyer. Same type of body. Love those eyes. She will be beautiful.
Her elastic inside was shot. No stretch left.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Herman Steiner Doll made in Germany

I have already repaired one doll for the owner of this little girl.  My she is different. A bisque head on a paper Mache body. The arms and legs are rough and the body unfinished. Made very cheaply in her day. When new she might have sold for less then a dime.  But then my grand dad worked in a an orchard during the depression for 3 cents a day to feed his family. 

Needs cleaning, painting, repairing , wig and eyes and clothes. 
She measures about 12" or less
